Thing about Needle Phobia

If you have needle phobia, you’ll understand my pain. I had my EMGS medical screening today, as I mentioned earlier, and obviously I had to take a blood test. So I went in, the doctor was super nice… and super talkative. I think he thought by talking to me,  he was being supportive. 

He couldn’t find a vein, which us weird as ef because no doctor EVER has had trouble finding a vein in my arm. He just kept going “a small needle will be slower, your vein is very deep… ” and kept pushing the needle in while I basically couldn’t breathe. I was screaming in my mind for him to just shut up and focus. My head started spinning and I couldn’t think, probably cuz of oxygen deprivation. The nurse came in and made me lie down, and gave me a chocolate wafer cuz I only had half a sandwich for breakfast. 

I’m in the car back to college now, and my head still hurts. Oh gosh, I’m gonna have to live with this for the rest of my life, and not to mention next year’s EMGS test.  Oh God. 

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