Food for thought

Sometimes, I realise how stupid I actually am. I mean really. I have good grades and whip-smart answers for everything, but I am a really stupid person. Ya know why? Because I actually sometimes think that I know myself, whereas I am unable to control even my baser instincts or analyse my own emotions. Frickin’ dumbass that’s is what I am. That’s not to say that I don’t know what I want… :3

Moving on from that sudden thought… I found this while rolling about on the World Wide Web, or which I prefer to call- my sandbox:

It’s an amazing interactive page on whether it’s ever too late to start changing one’s life. If it is ever too late to try. This has mostly to be with Forbes and business-related stuff, but I’m talking about people from other walks of life too.

Is it ever too late to change your outlook on life? Is ever too late to decided that hey, I don’t want to be a banker, I wanna be a teacher. I don’t want to be a lawyer, I want to join the Peace Corps. Is it ever too late?

I’ll tell ya what you can be too late for peeps. Especially to my ladies out there, you can be too late to “life”. You can be too late if your biological clock runs out, or someone’s life runs out. That’s when you’re too late.

But, as my very intelligent, and much more emotional yet more rational friend, the great Noa Gale once said:

“Life works out.”

Huh. So food for thought.



A message

It’s the 27th night of Ramadan, which most people consider the actual night of Qadr, or Night of Power, otherwise known as the night the Quran was revealed.

There are a lot of prayers that could be made this night. And there’s a lot of hope. Seeing all these people congregate together to praise Allah, it’s beautiful.

And I would like to take this night to apologise. I apologise to my friends, and my parents and siblings. Because life is fleeting. It’s precious, and I can’t have people being hurt by me when I would still do just about anything for a smile from them. It’s not difficult for me to apologise, but it’s difficult for me to ask forgiveness. And that is what I’m doing now.

I ask forgiveness of everyone, so I can take one more step to move forward.

And lastly- I would like to say, InshaAllah, I’ll see you all again. Soon. Don’t mistake my absence or lack of connection as an indication that any of you are far from my mind.

Love, and PEACE!

The nth Cycle of Hell

Well, look at that. I’m posting on three consecutive days. Must be something in the water, or something on my mind.

Writing is amazing, really. It’s my tool to get stuff off my mind, especially negative stuff so that I can focus on the positive. It’s astounding how putting down words on a paper (or blog) can clear your head of toxic thoughts that create doubt.

I think this is one of the reasons I love communication. Not jut the act of communicating, but the subject, the whole world of communication. It helps us clear our doubts, alleviate our fear, prove our worth… and help us love without boundaries. Three of my closest friends now have blogs too, and what comes out of a person’s heart and mind can really shock the world, the honest reality of it. But sometimes, as we are as humans, doubts crawl out from the deepest darkest parts of our mind and question our own judgement.

We, logical people, are stuck in this endless circle. Doubt, Control, Communication, Fear, Doubt. Looking forward to the future is not as easy as I thought it would be. But then again, my new life hasn’t begun yet. I’m trying to change things. Adjust all that I’m familiar with to make them unfamiliar. Change my outlook.

So I’ll keep writing, keep writing until I can get a grip and let go. The next step is to get rid of the first step in the endless cycle- doubt. But how?