My face… #Day1


After almost 36 hours of no sleep and no caffeine and FINALLY GETTING HOLD OF A FRAPPE. MY EYES ARE AS DRY AS SAND (and round as golf balls). Bought a humidifier.

On the bright side, my roommate is a mystery, but she had a prayer mat laid out in our room, so I have hopes she’s great,  and my room is AWESOME. I bought stuff to accessorise, so I can’t wait until Orientation when my parents said I can move out and into my room for a night to meet my roommate. YAY!

Tomorrow I have my pre-orientation briefing, so I’m excited about that. I’m already having an awesome time, so there’s nowhere to go but down! I’m kidding… yeah I know it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, so I’m making the most of it while I can.